Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wind Workshop at Falls Brook - July 17-19

Interested in how wind turbines actually work? Curious about how it can work for you?

Come help build a real wind turbine and get to know the inner workings of how it generates clean, renewable electricity. Falls Brook Centre is partnering with Silver Foot Wind ( ) to provide a hands-on, demonstration workshop. We will be constructing an unfinished wind turbine from a previous Silver Foot workshop, and will see it through to completion.

This workshop will also cover the basics of wind energy and how it can work for your home or business. Come ask the experts on how wind energy can generate electricity for you, and see Falls Brook Centre's many wind energy demonstrations. The completed wind turbine will also be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

For more information about the workshop or for purchasing the turbine, please contact Greg LeBlanc: email or call (506) 375-4310 Workshop spaces are limited, so book your spot today. Stay tuned for more details as the workshop date approaches.