Wednesday, May 6, 2009

NB Dream Tank

Kind of like a Think Tank... but with vision...
This is the New Brunswick Dream Tank.

We've all heard the new government mantra to "Be... in this place", but what does that mean? Contemplating our navel and watching the fiddle heads grow?
What about jobs, entertainment, community, identity?
How can we shape our place on this land to create vibrant, dynamic, rural communities that meet our needs and dreams? How can we create opportunities for youth to stay and make a life in New Brunswick without having to flee for the western plains?

The Dream Tank is a process - constantly evolving. If you have ideas, aspirations, or itchy feet to create change then lets put the limbic regions of our collective brains together and create a place where we really do want to be.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    My name is Arthur. I saw you at the Media Workshop today, but I didn't have a chance to stay and chat. I was going to ask you about your plans for a Free School (Skool) in NS. I mentioned some of my entrepreneurial ideas to Corey, but there are some more strictly educational/experiential ideas I'd like to explore in a FreeSkool context. Can you tell me more about what you'd like to do with your project?
    (PS: I was the guy in black with the pointy hair, just so you have a face for the name.)
